The extension enables automatic execution of the adapted module code (compatible with "Task Scheduler API") according to any schedule. By default it includes the following tasks:
- downloading a file from ftp (port 21 only)
- downloading a file from public http/https locations
- requesting any http/https URL (it is useful for executing some 3rd party scripts which are supposed to be calling periodically)
At the present moment, the following extensions support the Task Scheduler API:
1. 'CSV Product Export' module (ver 4.0.1 and newer)
2. 'CSV Product Import' module (ver.4.0.1 and newer)
Overview of Task Scheduler extension at youtube
Minimum Requirements:
- opencart and newer.
If your hosting does not offer cron job configuration then you can use external services like these: or
Release notes:
- interface is in English language only;
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