You can disable right click on your store from admin panel.
You can disable right click on all images only.
You can set alert message(Multi language) from admin panel, when customer right click.
You can disable extension from admin panel.
"CTRL+C" and "CTRL+X" Short cuts will not work on store.
Multiple store compatibility.
Compatibility with all opencart themes.
Tested on, Firefox, Chrome, I.E, Safari.
How to use:
Go to your store setting. Under the general tab you will see Two new options.
1) Disable Right Click
2) Alert Message for Customer on right click
You can select options here:
1) Complete store.
2) Images only.
3) Disable.
4) You can set alert message here.
If you don’t want to alert any message then leave empty to this field.
Admin panel
Username : demo
Password : demo
For OC V2.x
Login to admin panel.
Go to “extensions -> installer” and install the file “install.ocmod.xml”.
Go to “extensions -> modification” and click on “Refresh” button.
For OC V1.5.x
Upload “VQMOD” folder into your web root directory.
Thank you.
Error logs :
compatibility issues with "Journal Theme" fixed.
Note: If you find any issue during the installation OR you need support(free) from me. You can email me with the following details
1) Extension purchase id
2) You opencart admin and FTP access.
After my support, if extension still does not work on your store then your payment will be refunded. Feel free to buy the extension.
You can find my email address in the extension OR comment here for support, I'll contact you.
Login and write down your comment.
Login my OpenCart Account