One module - Two modes: Order callback and Buy by phone
If a visitor of your site wants you to call him, this module will add such ability to your online store.
The module can operate in two modes:
- Request a callback - in this mode, the button "Call me back" appears on the contact form and when it will be clicked, a visitor will see modal window where he should enters the information (Name, phone, etc). This data will send to admin emails (if you set such option to Enabled).
- Order by phone - button "Order by phone" appears on every product page, next to the Add to Cart button. Clicking on it opens a modal window for the visitor, where he also enters the data (Name, phone, email etc), that also will send to admin's email (in additional admin will see product name, on page which, button was clicked)
You will be able to adjust: set of fields and indicate what fields are mandatory; caption for button; enable/disable email notifications; phonemask for phone field; email text that admin will receive.
Operation of this module was tested with Opencart versions 1.5.6.x, but I believe it will work with later versions. If you find any error or bug, please inform us about and we will fix it shortly.
If module will not work with your custom theme, we can adjust it for you for some fee (PayPal, Webmoney).
Localizations: English, Russian (If you need another, just write us)
Support email:
PS: If this extension was useful for you, pls vote for it. It makes us a bit more happy :)
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