NOW OC - ready - tested with default template
for Opencart V2.x (Shipping and Payment based on Customer Group v1.1)
06-11-2015 Compatible version for OC2.1.0.1
03-06-2015 - small bugfix
02-06-2015 - added support for Estimate Shipping and taxes popup
With this extension you can set the Shipping and Payment options per Customer Group. This way you can restrict customers from using a particular payment method or shipping method. As far as tested (by more than over 150 users and a bigger number of webshops) this extension works with all payment methods and all shipping methods!
Example use:
If you have a wholesale customer group you can decide that this group can pay with cash on delivery and shipping is free. The rest has to pay with Paypal and has to pay a fee for the shipment.
1. Inside the folder you see a folder named "upload" --> copy the xml file in the appropriate vqmodfolder or just copy the folder vqmod in the root of your webshop. NO FILES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN!
2. Login to your admin and go to SALES --> CUSTOMERS --> CUSTOMER --> Click each and every Customer Group and check the payment and shipping options that are allowed for the specific Customer Group and hit save.
3. Whenever you install a new payment method or shipping method, make sure to repeat step 2. This is IMPORTANT, because otherwise the newly installed payment/shipping method won't show up!
4. Make sure you have set the right default Customer Group in system-->setting-->option tab. This is IMPORTANT because guest shoppers will be assigned to this group!
The presentation of this extension works (only)with the default Opencart checkout process. There are some other extensions for the checkout process in the market but they haven't been tested. In case you need a solution for another checkout extension please let us know and we will see if this can be fixed!
Now works also with:
super checkout 1.6
Quick Checkout from MaketInSG
Journal 2 Template - tested on OC (may work on older oc 2.0.x versions - untested)
Journal 2 Template on OC2.1.0.1 WITH Quick Checkout enabled
Journal 2 Template on OC3.2.0.2 WITH Quick Checkout enabled
This extension does not work with JOURNAL3 !!!!
NOTE: This extension works with JOURNAL3 (tested in opencart
By installing this extension, NO files will be overwritten!! Vqmod is needed to make this work! This extension does not work on Mijoshop!
Opencart v2.2.0.0 has some issues with (admin) Customers. Solution see here:
if you want more control over your Customer Group you might be interested in
The Ultimate Customer Group Extension

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