AutoSearch 2x - Ajax-module "live" search like Google, when relevant results are displayed immediately as you type a query.
Module is fully configurable in admin's part, you can:
- Enable / disable the display of product images in search results
- Specify the size of the product image (height x width, pix)
- Enable / disable the display of the model product in the search results
- Enable / disable the display of the prices of goods in the search results
- Enable / disable the display of the quantity of goods in stock or its status in search results
- Select the fields for search (by Name, Attributes, Tags, Model, SKU, UPC, EAN, JAN, ISBN, MPN and Location)
- Specify the limit of the output display
- Specify the number of input characters to start your search and display the results
- Choose how to sort the results (by date available, by name)
- Select charset variant if problems displaying non-Latin characters
- Enable / disable additional line "view all results"
✯ Works with all templates
✯ Works correctly with a Latin / Cyrillic / Arabic and other encodings
✯ Correctly shows the names of the goods with the use of special characters (quotes, amp, etc.)
✯ Correct handling of references goods - simple and conventional (seo)
✯ Correct handling and output prices of goods - regular price and the price on the stock, with customer group
not show prices if "login display prices" selected in settings store
✯ Correct handling of the goods showing the quantity and status
quantity does not show (only stock status) if selected in settings store
✯ If the product picture on the card is not set shows a picture no_image.jpg
✯ Sort results by name (alphabetically), by date (show new items first)
Compatible with all Opencart 2.x versions
uses OCMOD Extension Installer
AutoSearch 3x for Opencart 3.x available here
AutoSearch for Opencart 1.5.x available here
Standard search mechanism not changes - when you click the search button (or Enter, or "View All Results") will be transferred to the page showing the search results of a standard search (without uses values Location, Attributes etc.)
See FREE module
ExtendedSearch to add this function
To design a custom template, you can manually change styles in file catalog\view\javascript\jquery\autosearch.css
1. Upload archive in Extensions > Extension Installer *
2. Refresh the modifications cache in Extensions > Modifications
3. Add permission for module/autosearch in System > Users > User Groups
4. Install & configure AutoSearch module in Extensions > Modules
5. Enjoy!
* If you don't set up FTP to support archives in Extension Installer - just use this

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