By default this mod will replace add to cart button with more info button when stock is 0.
You can also select other option to disable cart button when stock quantity is 0.
Schema Disable Cart :
If you set yes, disable cart will active. So, add to cart button will replaced by disable stock status button when stock is zero.
If you set no, more info will active. So, add to cart button will replaced by more info button when stock is zero.
And when customer click that button, they will go to product page.
Demo OC 2.x : Demo Here
Demo OC 3.x : Demo Here
username : demo
password : demo
This extension is very dependent with your theme. That why we are offer free installation service for your first third party theme.
This extension is not compatible with aceshop, mijoshop and other integration.
This mods is not compatible with any extension/module/mods which that is need to change add to cart button like, call for price, catalog mode.
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