About Extension
- Create Customized Messages is a very handy Opencart extension if you want to display useful messages across your eCommerce Store.
- You can display a text message, HTML, images, videos at any location of your choice. Very easy to create any message and instantly display at your desired location.
- You can display important messages directly on specific products or categories. Ex: Offers, Terms & Conditions, Delivery Time, etc.
- Besides this extension can automatically display Free Shipping Message to eligible customers or tell your customers how much they should add more to get free shipping. Displaying such messages on the shopping cart page increases Sales.
- Furthermore, you can convey the messages to Specific Audience only Ex: Only to a specific customer or customer group or to all users before login, etc.
- Messages can be scheduled to show always or on the specific date range. If you want to show something in the future, you can do that.
Different Messages On Different Pages
Try Demo Below
We have set demo messages across the store for testing. You can have your own messages.
Promotional messages
We have set up different offers & bank promotions on different pages. Check them below:
Home Page Message
Specific Product Page Message
Specific Category Page Message
All Category Page
Customized coupons messages
We can some customized message set up for a specific customer group. Below you need to login to see the customized message. Just click login when you are on the link below:
Account Page
Order informations
We are showing some important tracking information on the Order List page. So we get fewer customer inquiries.
Order List Page
Free shipping messages
To test this, add any product to cart and go to the shopping cart page. You shall see the Amount left for free shipping.
Once you add the required amount, you shall see the success message as well. So go ahead try to add below product to cart.
Free Shipping Eligible Based On Cart Total
Checkout page information
Showing some useful information on the Checkout Page. See below:
Checkout Page
Contact us page
Contact us page
Message shown if payment method selected is Cash On Delivery
How it is useful and where it can be used?
- Messages are like sign board on a road. It helps you reach the destination.
- Let your customers easily navigate to the important section of the store through messages.
- Displaying different coupon codes to users using messages.
- Displaying different coupon codes to different customer groups. Also helpful in promotions.
- Show shipping message across the store.
- Show new updates to customers or new information link about your store.
- Display your promotions like buy X get Y free with the help of messages and images.
- Display message if the payment method selected is cash on delivery
Demo Link Admin
password: demo
Login to admin. Go to:
Extension - modules - custom message pro
Different messages set up in admin
For 1.5.x version, We have a similar module
Multi Message Display

Create a support ticket for further assistance:
Create support ticket on cartbinder
For any kind of further queries regarding purchase, customization, etc :
Email: support@cartbinder.com
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