X-form is an advanced form builder for OpenCart. It allows you to create and integrate any kind of form by dragging and dropping into any layout position OR it can be used independently. X-form has the following features. X-form has the following features:
1. Unlimited Forms
2. Multi-lingual
3. Available element types are Text, Textarea, hidden, Checkbox, Radio, Select, File, Email, Date, Time, Text/Paragraph, Captcha and Submit button
4. Customized User Email with attachment
5. Customized Admin Email with attachment
6. Custom Script/Style
7. Data export to CSV/PDF
8. Possible to edit submitted Record/Data in admin
9. Duplicate/Clone form option
10. Shortcode support. So form can be placed inside any information page
11. Customer data can be displayed in the information page with edit option
12. It is possible to integrate xform in xpayment. So xform can be placed during checkout using xpayment and xform
13. It is possible to show form data on the site.
14. Payment field is supported with Paypal Standard integration
15. The form can be shown as Product Tab
16. Conditional email content based on a form value
17. Conditional fields
18. Iframe URL
20. Multi-column layout
21. CSV/PDF export
22. The option of viewing/editing from the customer panel
23. Form can be showed in a popup e.g. Product query form
24. Shortcode can be placed in the journal popup
25. Third Party API integration e.g. Sendinblue subscription
Form Demonstration
Admin Demo: Click Here

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