With this module you will be able to easily manage/add your special products.
- Filter by Category
- Filter by Manufacturer
- Filter by Product name and Model
- Filter by Quantity (from - to)
- Filter by Price (from - to)
- Filter by Customer Group
- Set the Limit of displayed products
- Ability to set multiple specials for one product
- Easy set Customer group, Priority, Price, Date start and Date end for multiple products. Please note - only products that are marked as selected will be changed. The products will be saved even if not selected when it's Special Price is SET.
- Options:
1) Show only products with Special Price:
Use this option if you want to make modifications to Specials with already set reduced price.
2) Set multiple Specials:
Use this option to set different variants for Special products (different discounts for different dates, different discounts for each Customer Group)
No vqmod required for Opencart 2.0 and above.
Vqmod required for Opencart 1.5.x
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