The module allows to show/hide child options (option groups) depending on selected values of parent options.
Main features of the module:
- use options of any type as child options ("Select", "Radio", "Image", "Checkbox", "Text", "Date", etc)
- use options of selectable types to be parent options ("Select", "Radio", "Image", "Checkbox")
- display a child option if appropriate value of its parent option is selected, overwise - hide the child option
- use a child option as a parent for another option (multiple levels of parent-child relations)
- set several parent options and patent option values per child option
- set values of hidden child options to be empty
- make hidden child options not required
Animated demonstration:
The module allows to show/hide child options (option groups) depending on selected values of parent options. If you need to set relationships/dependencies beetwen values of options (like size&color, width&lenght&color, etc.) you can use our Related Options PRO or Related Options module.
This is the module for OpenCart 2.x, for OpenCart 3.x please use Parent-child Options for OpenCart 3.x
If you have any issues with our module, please contact us to, we will help.
Demo admin:
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Parent-child Options can be used together with other our modules:
Related Options - to create combinations of related product option values and set stock, price, model etc. for each combination. This functionality can be useful for sales of products, having interlinked options, such as size and color for clothes (recommended to use together with Live Price module).
Related Options PRO - improved version or Related Options module, which allows to multiple variants of combinations of options per product.
Live Price - to dynamic price update (including discounts, special etc) on product pages, depending on selected options and quantity (completely compatible and recommended to use with Related Options module).
Live Price PRO improved version of Live Price module, which allows not only to update the price depending on selected options and quantity on product pages, but also to set global discounts and specials, to set discounts and specials in percentage and have more useful pricing features
Product Options Image PRO - to change main product image and list of additional images on product page depending on selected options (allows to set some images per option value).
Quantity Per Option to display separate "Quantity" inputs for option values
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