This extension will display the number of product viewed and sold counter contained on product detail page at frontend store, and also products list at the admin panel.
At the frontend, by showing the number of product viewed and sold, will provide an overview to prospective customers about your product, with the hope to increase your sales.
And at the backend (admin panel), allows you to determine the level of sales for each product. Also can be used to display the best viewed product* and bestseller view llist.
- VQMOD installed (newest version)
- Only XML file (VQMOD). No Opencart core file are overwritten.
- Plug and play. No need setting.
- Auto hide when product viewed = 0, sold = 0 (frontend)
- Multi store enabled. It only display value for related store (frontend).
- Sort function, ascending or descending. Can be used for best viewed product* and bestseller view list [see details at the pictures above] (backend).
- Filter function for sold counter (backend).
- Separate xml files. Backend product list, frontend viewed product, frontend sold product. Use only the desired.
Product sold counter is calculated from order history and associated with processing order status and complete order status setting. Statuses that contained in both settings (processing order status and complete order status) will make the calculation of product sold is counted.
This is in line with the OpenCart algorithm for stock subtraction function.
Place an order. Then go to admin panel page and change your order status history to 'processing','shipped' or 'complete' status (this is processing order status and complete order status setting) to see the result.
When the status changed to processing/complete order status setting, as the stock will be subtract, as well as the sold counter will count up. And vice versa, when the status changed from processing/complete order status setting, as the stock will be restock, as well as the sold counter will count down.
For viewed counter, on the frontend product page, refresh the browser, and then you will see viewed counter has increase.
Username: demo
Password: aauwwo
*Best viewed product also can be seen at the default opencart report page on the admin panel. Reports > Products > Viewed

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