Note: if compatibility version is not listed the one you need, contact me and i will let you know if extension works with your version.
Cookie Notice add-on allows you to put yourself in compliance with EU Cookies Directive (2009/136/EC). This module adds an elegant and responsive notification box at the top left, top right, top full screen, bottom left, bottom right, bottom full screen of your website.
Due to the EU Cookie Directive that came into force in May 2012, any site that uses cookies, and assumes consent to drop these cookies, will need a notification on the site to inform the visitor that cookies are used, linking to a page that can give more information on how to remove them.
This module adds an elegant and responsive notification about Cookies to your website. As admin you have full control where the message has to be placed, and how the message itself has to look, you can define font sizes, colors, backgrounds, shape and many more options:)
Easy installation. (vqmod or ocmod)
Fully configurable. (colors, size, positions etc..)
Customizable background opacity.
Responsive design.
Compatible with multilingual sites. (Any amount of languages)
When closed, it will remember the choice for further visits.
Login as
user: demo
password: demo
And go to Extensions::>Modules to check the extensions
Havve any suggestions feel free to contact:)
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