With this extension you'll be able to set fee or discount to all customer groups available. You may set a fee in percent to one group and discount in fixed value for another one and they'll be applied accordingly. Advanced options allow you to move customers from one group to another and back, when their orders match given criteria.
▸ Adds fee or discount value, number of orders and days, sum and minimum total for each customer group.
▸ You can add unlimited number of fee and discount rules.
▸ Selected products and categories can be excluded from discounting.
▸ Automatically moves customers between groups, when they meet given criteria for given period.
▸ Displays current and next group info in header and account page, notify customer, when he is moved, etc.
▸ Smart algorithm, which stimulates your customers to buy more, loose the discount or even get a fee!
▸ Group Fee or Discount total can be hidden and its value added to another total.
Current version: 3.3.1 (
change log)
Basic functionality of this extension is to add fee or discount for different customer groups to order totals. For example, you may want to add 3% fee to orders from New Customers group and -5% discount for Regular Buyers. Advanced setup allows you to automatically move customers from one group to another and back, when their orders match or don't match given criteria.
Place a test order on our
demo site (login: demo@thekrotek.com, password: demo). Add anything to cart and try to checkout.
Extension's settings can be found in admin section on our
demo site (username: demo, password: demo). Go to Extensions -> Order Totals and click Edit near Group Fee or Discount module.
You will find documentation on
extension's page. For support us via
email or
NOTE: To install and use this extension on OpenCart 3 you must also install
OpenCart 3 Compatibility Fixes.
Please, read our
support terms before purchase.
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