Opencart Multi Vendor Cash On Delivery : Now Cash On Delivery Facility is available with Multi-Seller Marketplace. Opencart Marketplace Cash On Delivery allows the sellers to add Cash On Delivery to their products. The customer does not need to own a credit card to purchase. Now the buyer can purchase seller’s products using Cash On Delivery payment gateway. With this module, the seller can manage all the Cash On Delivery process from their end. The seller can manage the COD rates using CSV upload or manually.
Since it’s an add-on for the Marketplace module, so marketplace module must be installed before installing the Marketplace Cash On Delivery.
1. This module supports all templates and themes including the Journal theme.
2. Opencart Marketplace Cash On Delivery module supports the Multi-Store feature of default Opencart.
Opencart Multi Vendor Cash On Delivery Features -
Allow admin to activate this payment option.
The seller can insert COD by uploading CSV file or Manually
Available Fixed or Percentage types of rate for calculating COD charges.
Apply COD charges based on the location of the customer.
Admin can also insert the COD by uploading CSV file or manually
The buyer can check the COD availability on the product page.
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