Get Store credit on order purchase helps you to give your customers some credit when they make an order.
Based on payment method customer will get some credit in their account which they can use on the store for future.
The credit given to customers is completely controlled from admin backend.
The customer can see their credit available from My Transaction page once they log in.
Various rules can be applied to give credit based on order parameters.
Extension Current Version : 2.1.b
Latest Version
- For version 2.x
- You can set different credit type percentage or fixed for different payment methods.
- Ex: Cash on delivery : Percentage Credit on total: 20%
- Ex: Bank transfer : Fixed credit on total: $30
- Fixed issue on version 2.2.x
Store Credit / Customer Group
- You can select for which customer groups store credit can be given.
- So only for those customers store credit module will be available.
Store Credit Amount
- You can either have percentage based or fixed based credit amount.
- It can be calculated based on sub total amount or total amount.
Store Credit Order Status
- You can select the order status on which store credit should be given.
- Like suppose store credit should not be given on order status like pending, processing, etc
- And it must only be given on order status like complete, shipped, etc
Store Credit Based On Payment Methods
- You can also select on which payment method store credit is given.
- Like Cash on delivery no store credit.
- Bank payment 10 % Store credit
- Credit card payment 20 % Store credit.
- You can enter credit percentage on each payment method.
Email Alert When Credit Is Given
- When credit is added to customer's account.
- You can enable/ disable the feature if you want to send customer email regarding the credit given.
Why credit system is powerful ?
- The credit system is nothing but having your cash online.
- This cash is saved in customers account details.
- You can think of it as an ATM.
- So customers feel like they can use this and save some money while buying online.
- Major e-commerce companies, airway companies are using this technique to increase their sales.
Why coupon system is less powerful and credit is more powerful?
- Coupon needs to be managed continuously by admin.
- Coupons work on so many conditions like date, login, code, etc
- Credit does not require any code to be used.
- It is automatically applied when a customer adds the product to cart.
Demo link for version 2.x
Username: demo
Password: demo
Store Credit Admin Page
Demo link for version 1.5.x
Username: demo
Password: demo
Store Credit Admin Page
- No core files are changed.
- Works with vqmod / ocmod
- Works with all themes.
- Money back guarantee.
- Free installation is available.
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