Dreams multi users and multi sellers system
We ask you install the free version and check out the demo before you buy this product
Dreams multi users and multi sellers system is one of the most powerful systems for management of users and orders in the Admin Panel.
Manages the rights of user and orders.
Users have limited rights to the products and orders, according to their user group.
Allows management of the rights of foreign traders to manage products and orders.
Allows management of the rights of employees to manage products and orders.
Quickly assign products to specific user.
Filter products in person.
Filter products by date added or date of modification. This filter allows the administrator to control the changes of users.
Quick change of the status of many products. Turn on or off products of a specific user.
Quickly assign products to specific users at Dropshipping.
A completely new approach to display and manage orders.
Filter orders in user.
Statistics for orders at the store. - Only for Pro version.
Statistics for the trader or employees. - Only for Pro version.
Only version or higher: - look at the pictures
- Individual javastsript or html code for each user.
- User text.
- 5 badges of your choice.
Questions from the buyer to the seller.- version 1.0.3 or higher
Application for registration as a merchant. Admninistrator approves the application. - version 1.0.3 or higher.
User SEO - version 1.0.3 or higher
Differences with similar systems:
The system uses all the possibilities of adding additional OpenCart. That its quality makes it extremely powerful.
Allows external users to use all the features of Opencart Admin Panel products and orders.
There is a completely different ideology than other systems.
Very convenient to use.
The system is very expensive.
The system is very simple.
The system is very light.
The system can be removed quickly without consequences.
The system does not add new tables to the database.
It has high compatibility with future versions of Opencart.
High compatibility with most topics. Easy integration with all topics.
The system manages both external vendors and employees.
No divided payment.
No split shipping.
Start using the system and you will find its opportunities.
Dreams multi users and multi sellers system has the following versions:
Dreams multi users and multi sellers system - Free and Additions
Dreams multi users and multi sellers system – Pro
Email Questions -For version or higher
The message is received by both the administrator and supplier
Dreams multi users and multi sellers system – Free
Divides the products between individual users.
The user sees and manage only their own products.
Users must be placed in group Separate Products - External Users group or Separate Products - Internal Users
Administrator sees and manages all products.
Dreams multi users and multi sellers system Front End - Free
Displayed on the page of product information for the merchant.
Compatibility with most topics.
Easy integration with all topics. You can do it yourself.
Dreams multi users and multi sellers system - Pro
All possibilities of Dreams multi users and multi sellers system - Free
Divides the products between individual users.
The user is viewing and manage only their own products as the group in which it is located.
The user sees only own and manage orders according to the band in which it is located.
User gets E-Mail on request.
The user can view and manage only their own pictures.
The user can view and manage all photos.
Administrator sees and manages all products.
Administrator sees and manages the products of a specific user.
The administrator can quickly assign products to a specific user.
Administrator sees and manages all orders.
Administrator sees and manage orders to a specific user.
Fastest setting after Dropshipping
It can disable some of the modifications you want to own these functions.
There are 5 pre-users groups.
Users must be placed in the appropriate group.
You can set new rights of these groups.
You can restrict the rights of these groups.
It can create new groups by combining rights.
User groups:
Separate Products - Admin Users - Used for administrators with limited rights.
You can adjust the rights of system Opencart.
Separate Products - External Users - used for external traders.
Users see and manage only their own products and only their orders.
They have their own folder for photos.
Separate Products - Internal Users - used for employees.
Users see and manage only their own products and only their orders.
Have access to all the photos.
There are supplements that can be limited rights to delete, and load a new folder.
Separate Products - Internal Users - Only Products - used for employees. For large stores.
Users see and manage only their own products.
Have access to all the photos.
There are supplements that can be limited rights to delete, and load a new folder.
Separate Products - Internal Users - Only Orders - used for employees. For large stores.
Users see and manage all orders. They have no right to edit and delete orders.
Statistics: - Only for Pro version.
Administrator can make statistics on all orders.
Administrator can make statistics on the orders of a specific user.
Users can make statistics only for their own orders.
All new products are assigned to User 0 (this user does not exist).
After import products administrator can assign these products to specific user.
This application offers the fastest system setup of new products using Dropshipping.
Demo - username/password - Pro version - Reset - every hour
demo/demo - Group Separate Products - Admin Users
ex_user1/demo - Group Separate Products - External Users
ex_user2/demo - Group Separate Products - External Users
int_user1/demo - Group Separate Products - Internal Users
int_user2/demo - Group Internal Users - Only Products
int_user3/demo - Group Internal Users - Only Orders
Make upload any files that are located in the folder upload.
From the menu Extensions -> Modules install module Dreams multi users and multi sellers system.
From the menu Extensions -> Extension Installer install all xml modifications. They are located in the root folder.
From the menu Extensions -> Modifications press Refresh.
Menu System -> Users -> Users Create users.
Place users in their respective groups.
Optional - Files folder InternalUsersGroupImagesRestriction - Restrictions apply to all groups of internal users.
Modifications (xml files):
Admin Separate - EMail - sending E-Mail traders when there is a new order. - Version Pro
Admin Separate - Images - separates folders users. - Version Pro
Admin Separate - Orders - orders separates users. - Version Pro
Admin Separate - Products - separates products to consumers. - Version Free
Admin Separate - Products Pro - addition of more options to modify Admin Separate - Products. - Version Pro
Admin Separate - Users - manage users. - Version Free
Admin Separate - Orders Statistics - Statistics for orders. (In the next version - Pro - 1.00.01). - Version Pro
Admin Separate - Theme Product Page - Displays information about the seller's product page. - Version Free
By request
Admin Separate - Images Restriction Delete - Internal Users - limited rights to delete pictures of internal users. - Version Pro
Admin Separate - Images Restriction Folder - Internal Users - limited rights to create a new folder of pictures of internal users. - Version Pro
Admin Separate - Images Restriction Upload - Internal Users - limited rights to upload the pictures of internal users. - Version Pro
Required modifications are Admin Separate - Products Her Admin Separate - Users.
Other modifications can be excluded.
Used rights:
If you wish to adjust the rights of groups or modify the code.
Right access - module / separate_products - separation of products to users.
Right modify - module / separate_products - permits the use of all images from all groups of internal users.
Right modify - localisation / order_status - allowed the visibility of all products and orders a group - Internal Users - Only Orders
Remove all modifications Admin Separate and turn the module Dreams multi users and multi sellers system
1. Uninstall
2. Upload files from folder upload
3. Reinstall
Application is compatible with the following versions of OpenCart.
Compatibility with older versions 2.x - not working module Admin Separate - Orders
We do not know whether the application is compatible with third-party applications that adjust the pages of the Admin Panel - Product List and Order List.
Module Dreams multi users and multi sellers system Front End - Free Read the manual
We wish you luck.
Support is done only by email
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If you have a problem we will be happy to help
Conttact: slavib68@gmail.com
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