EndOfDayWeekMonth is a historical record of all sales, new customers, reviews and returns conducted daily, weekly and monthly. End of Day, Week and Month Reports are used in many industries such as retail, hotels, restaurants and many more; quite simply put it is a tool used for accounting for the business that comes into your web store in a specific time period.
EndOfDayWeekMonth allows you to choose an unlimited number of emails to send the report too, this is useful if you have managers and supervisors you wish to be keep informed. With our powerful control functions, you will be able to select which data to include and exclude in the three different reports: Day, Week and Month.
An important factor in all successful business is staying up-to-date to date on
business performance, and that exactly what the EndOfDayWeekMonth module does!
Main features
- Shows sales data by customer groups, order status, shipping method, payment method and GEO zones.
- Shows total number of Reviews, Returns and New Customers.
- Three types of reports End of: Day, Week and Month.
- End of Day will show data from 00:00:01 to 23:59:59.
- End of Week will show data from Monday 00:00:01 to Sunday 23:59:59.
- End of Month will show data from 1st 00:00:01 to last day of the month 23:59:59.
- Reports are emailed to your specifically selected email addresses and sent at midnight Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
- Top notch development – no core files will be overwritten
- Total control over what data to include and exclude in each of the three emails.
- Multiple currencies are support, reports will break down data by currencies.
- MultiStore support.
- MultiLingual support.
Supportive documentation is included in the extension on the support tab.
Unparalleled support
We operates a
highly reliable support team that will help you out every step of the way, use the support tab on your extension to get in touch.
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