Need to select manufacturer by name?
Or find all manufacturers without logo or SEO-keyword?
If the list of manufacturers is small, it dos'nt pose any particular problems.
But what if manufacturer list contains a few tens or hundreds of brands?
Brand Manager greatly simplifies and accelerates process of working with brands in admin area, adding search filters and additional information into manufacturers list.
For Opencart 2x & 3x versions available quick edit directly in manufacturers list (with ability to delete/change the image, name, seo keyword, assigned stores and sort order)
✔ Search manufacturers by name (or part of name)
✔ Displaying and filter by manufacturer's logo (with logo / without logo / show all)
✔ Filter by store name (with ability to find manufacturers with unassigned stores)
✔ Displays and filter manufacturers by seourl (with seourl / without seourl / show all)
✔ Shows the number of products of the manufacturer (total / disabled)
** NEW
✔ Quick edit the data of the manufacturer right on the list
** NEW
✔ Support multilanguage seo-keywords for Opencart 3x
✔ Shows, search and sort manufacturers by ID
** NEW - these features are available only for Opencart 2x and above versions
Compatible with Opencart 1.5.x - 3.x
Does not change the standard Manufacturers List (it is still available)
Does not change core files (all changes through VQMOD | OCMOD)
Does not creates additional fields or tables in DB
requires VQMOD for 15x
uses OCMOD for 2x and 3x
russian forks ocStore | Opencart.PRO is not supported
Install 15x
1. Upload the file brand-manager.xml into vqmod/xml folder
2. Use link Catalog > Brand Manager in Menu to work
Install 2x
1. Upload archive in Extensions > Installer *
2. Refresh the modification cache (press Refresh button) in Extensions > Modifications
3. Use link Catalog > Brand Manager in Menu to work
Don`t forget to refresh modifications cache after install!
* If you don't set up FTP to support archives in Extension Installer - just use this
Install 3x
1. Upload archive in Extensions > Installer
2. Refresh the modification cache (press Refresh button) in Extensions > Modifications
3. Refresh theme cache in Dashboard > Developer Settings
4. Use link Catalog > Brand Manager in Menu to work
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