Add downloadable file on product page
This module allows you assign with product, any file, uploaded before. These may be: User manual, Specification data sheet, Downloadable description etc.
Module support next filetypes: PDF, ZIP, TXT, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX. For Opencart 2.x also supports RAR, RTF
How assign file with product ?
1. Upload files you from admin panel or from FTP to /image/your_folder_name.
2. When you will Edit product you can see Product file section, where click Browse link (or Edit button) to choose file.
3. Save product
After this, link to Download manual will appear on the product page. In module settings you change name of link as you need (Default anchor name is Download brochure). If you do not see link on Product page - it means that you have not default theme and module have to be a bit customized for your theme (this is paid option, pls write about to support email)
Localizations: English, Russian
Support email:
If you need technical support, found an error or have a question about module - please don't write about in comments, write directly to support email.
Operation of this module was tested with Opencart versions and but I believe it will work with earlier versions. If you find any error or bug, please inform us about and we will fix it shortly.
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