Offer now security and confidence to your customers by using a customer favorite payment method: COD. Cash On Delivery Fee module helps you to charge a fee for customers who do not want to use online payment methods like credit card or PayPal., and prefer to pay cash when they receive the order. Most online stores are using COD payment method, and now you can charge an extra cost if you need it in order to provide Cash On Delivery payment.
With Cash On Delivery Fee module we can apply a fix fee for the order, or a percent from sub-total, or even both if your business model is to have a flat rate plus a percentage from the sub-total (e.g.: $2 + 5% from sub-total). You can also set a minimum and a maximum fee if you use percentage fee if you want to limit the final fee. Want to offer free fee for big orders? No problem! You can set an Order Sub-Total and make the fee $0 if the order it's bigger than it.
Note that the fee is displayed on the last step of the checkout if the customer selects COD payment method. If the customer selects Pickup From Store shipping method than the module will be disabled automatically.
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