Product discounts and specials in percentage, ability to set common values of discounts and specials for all customers groups
Global lists of discounts and specials (for category, manufacturer, customer group)
Other module features:
apply an option price modifier to product price only once, without dependecy on the product quantity (optional, сontrolled by additional checkbox on option edit page)
display minimal product prices including options (price starting from...) in product lists ( category page, manufacturer page, modules like "Latest", "Bestsellers", etc.)
take of product quantity already added to shopping cart into account for determination of available discount for the product (optional)
show product price multiplied by entered quantity (optional)
apply product discounts in percents to prices of options
Related Options - to create combinations of related product options and set stock, price, model etc. for each combination. This functionality can be useful for sales of products, having interlinked options, such as size and color for clothes
Related Options PRO - improved premium version or Related Options module, which allows to create different combinations of options values per one product.
Product Options Image PRO - to set few images for each option value and show this images on the product page in dependence of selected option value.
Improved Options - to set SKU, model (product code), description for each product option value and set default product option values that should be selected, when customer opens product page.
Parent-child Options to show/hide child options (options groups) depending on selected parent options values.
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