The module is an add-on for multi vendor/dropshipper core 2.0 created by to allow vendor / seller to have more personal landing page. It allow seller to create store category, filter and search function in the landing page. This allowed customer easily browse through the vendor landing page for the products they interested to gain better customer shopping experience. The module also brought the vendor an opportunity to add their banners to the landing page. That allowed each vendor to design more professional store to attract the customer.
Multi Vendor/DropShipper 2.0 Installed
Multi Vendor/DropShipper Vendor Logo 2.0 Installed
Sub Category - Allowed vendor to add/delete category on its landing page
Sub Filter - Allowed vendor to add/delete filter on its landing page
Shop Search - A search function that search only vendor products at its landing page.
Banner - System default come with 5 banners. However, store admin can add/delete the banners. It allowed vendor to upload own banner to their landing page to create more professional store. (Note : Single image at banner create static image at store front. Multiple images banner create slideshow at store
The module was designed to work out of box to default OpenCart theme after completed setup at admin panel. If custom theme was installed, it is advise to purchase the installation service so we can help you to integrate it to custom theme.
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