PILIBABA all-in-one solution for eCommerce to China
Want to sell to China but no idea ?
OpenCart and Pilibaba have partnered up to enable your store sell to 650 million Chinese online shoppers instantly !
Your online sales are expected to increase $25K, $50K even more monthly from China market. Diving into the fast growing China cross-border eCommerce market which is expected to reach USD 650 Bn in 2020.
Benefits for merchants:
1, Free and quick set-up;
2, Provide 3 main Chinese payment gateways including Alipay/WechatPay/Unionpay covering 1.3 billion Chinese customers -Withdraw anytime!
3, Display guaranteed landed price before checkout- Taxes & duties calculation;
4, Customs compliance - pre-screen product catalogue and values to avoid parcels being withheld in customs;
5, Domestic logistics only – Pilibaba will facilitate the shipping&fulfillment for all orders to China by international warehouses, covering Europe/Asia/Australia and North America
6, 5*8 local service to Chinese shoppers (Subscription/Online Chat,Phone Call )
7, Free marketing service through 20 popular channels including frequently exposued products on our marketpalce http://www.pilibaba.com/cn
Totally free work of translation and uploading
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