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Improve your search to your opencart online store.
The module can be set your searching output (thumbnail image, showprice, showdescription etc)
You can choose how many search results will be displayed, the length of description, the product size image, searching parameter etc. It also Multi language Supported, so you customer can search product depend language activate.
✯ Opencart - 1.5.2.x - 1.5.3.x - 1.5.4.x - 1.5.5.x - 1.5.6.x - 2.0.x.x - 2.1.x.x - 2.3.x.x SUPPORTED !!
✯ Multi Language supported.
✯ Set your parameter search
✯ Set your thumbnail product image size.
✯ Set your extrafield tobe displayed.
✯ Set your display atribut field (price, thumbnail, extrafield)
✯ Set your limit product to display.
✯ Up down arrow supported.
✯ Press enter to select supported.
✯ Click product to select supported.
✯ No files will be overwritten.
✯ OCMOD version Opencart 2.x.x.x
✯ VQMOD version Opencart 1.5.x.x
Demo site
admin | user/pass : demo
Actually, this extension is default theme supported perfectly, if you using third party theme, try install it first, if can not runnig well you can contact me in upwork.com below
Have any problem with OpenCart, Hire me in UpWork.com
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