TMD OpenCart FedEx Shipping Extension Overview
We created an extension that integrates with FedEx American shipping company integrated 0with OpenCart website to manage order delivery effectively.
It creates an order FedEx tracking number and pickup request for the product and gives it to the customer for order shipment tracking. It also provided a live price list during checkout.
OpenCCart FedEx shipping module helps you make your product shipping easy way according to the customer’s location. It created invoices for customers with barcodes.
The customer will get the order tracking number. This tracking number will use to track the order shipment location. Also, when will be ordering will be delivered to the customer.

Creating Order FedEx Tracking Number For Shipment
OpenCart FedEx module uses its official shipment api. This api has a fast response so, the tracking number generates instantly. Admin has the ability to create a tracking number with order information using a single click.
FedEx's unique tracking number is also a smarter way to add details to the product. Our module in TMD will help to create a unique tracking number to track your orders easily.
Admin can regenerate the already generated unique tracking id of the order.
This tracking number sends to customer order for customer knowledge about order shipping.
Here is the step by step process to create your unique FedEx Tracking number:
✔ Login admin
✔ Go to Order
✔ Select Order
✔ Click on Generate FedEx Label Button
✔ FedEx order tracking number will be created automatically. And assign to that order.
Admin Can Create Pickup Request For Order
A pickup number is a final stage of the order shipment processing which means that the courier company is ready to receive the shipment of the product.
Two kinds of pick-up requests can be generated. Pickup number generated or not. If the Pickup number is generated then it shows after the order id.
TMD module provides a user-friendly way to generate user’s pickup request. It is a request to pick up the order from the seller to the FedEx shipping company.
Users can also track order status using a tracking number from the front end at any time. Follow the above steps to generate a pickup request. Our admin can generate multiple pickup request for the order.
✔ First, create the order tracking number.
✔ Select Order
✔ It will redirect to all order pickup request status page.
✔ Click on Generate FedEx Label Button
✔ FedEx order tracking number will be created automatically. And assign to that order.
Customer Tracking Order Shipment
When our admin generates the FedEx shipment tracking id for the order, then the customer will get the tracking id on the order information page.
From there they copy the tracking id and track their order searching with the tracking number.
All the shipment information of the product will get from official FedEx API information consist of Notification, Tracking Number, Status Detail, Package Sequence Number, Package Count, Delivery Attempts.
TMD with FedEx Shipping module also makes this process user-friendly for customers to track the order shipped within the website.
✔ Total Unique Address Count in Consolidation.
✔ Delivery Option.
✔ Eligibility Details.
✔ Notification.
✔ Tracking Number.
✔ Status Detail.
✔ Package Sequence Number.
✔ Package Count.
✔ Delivery Attempts.
FedEx Order Shipment Report
The Report tracking number will help the users to track the product delivery and response accordingly. There is a filter present for order FedEx order information, for a better view of shipment.
The filter has the option of order id, track number, order date, and then check the Status of the product that pick up is generated or not. Admin can enter one or all the fields present in the filter to get the filtered FedEx shipment order list.
TMD with FedEx Shipping module also makes this process user friendly for admin and customers both.
Supports OpenCart 2.x and 3.x versions
TMD made this module to work on Opencart versions 2x and 3x. It works great with the latest and older version of Opencart 2x and 3x. this module created with OCMOD. A module can be easily installed via the upload module section in admin, on your website. Because this module uses OCMOD. Which does not overwrite core files. It also works with could based online websites.
Our all modules, extension, and themes are plug and play. Just install and you are ready to use them right away.
Check out our demo or write to us for any query you just have in your mind. Got pre-sale questions or have questions about support. Please create a ticket. We will help you to get it working.

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