Overview of TMD OpenCart Advance Author Module.
The TMD Advance Author Module is designed to make your user experience pleasant while browsing your store upon landing on your website. This module provides a wonderful experience for all customers and consumers who are likely to visit your online book store.
It makes it convenient for the audience to selected authors from the front page and navigates to a search form from where users can search for a particular book in more detail.
This extension also allows you to create separate pages for authors present in your store and you can link the Authors and Book related to extra search fields. Thus information can be added to product pages and this Advance option makes it easier for your customers to browse and shop by specific authors.
This module is very useful for you if you want to build a bookstore with serval authors and a large number of books collection in your store.

Create/Edit Multiple Authors and Writers
This module allows you to create as many authors in your store using the section form.
The authors can be limited to a page.
For example, you want to display a list of the best authors in your store so you can create the best authors and limit the number of authors in your store.
Users can navigate and scroll to see all the authors listed on your store and link back to a more advanced search to find out the number of books written by the particular author on your store.
This allows users to easily link to your book store when consumers are actively searching for books on your store.
Advanced Search Option from Author to Books
Find out books written by authors by using the advance search option using multiple fields
The advanced search contains fields that allow the audience to search by Author List, Editon, ISBN, Total no. of pages, Book Language, Format Book, File size Year, and Publication Date.
Therefore it is very easy for anyone to find the list of books on your store for a particular author from the vast list of books available.
List Multiple Books Listing on any page for a Single Author
This module allows the admin to list a number of books for a particular author on the homepage or to any other page for an easy selection of books.
So apart from author listing and search criteria, this module allows you to show an array of books in the form of a slider.
Hence the audience visiting your store can use the slide option to view quickly the best book that ar written by a particular author.
The same listing can be done concurrently for other authors to create a stunning design for book listing based on authors and writers.
So the user can directly click on the book and make a purchase adding your product to the shopping cart.
Show Author Name on Page
This is one of the most important features of this module.
Show the author's name on your page. By showing the author's name on the page buyers are more like to understand much better the way books and books inside a slider are arranged in your store.
This is better for drawing attention to your audience so they can easily navigate to the product they are looking for written by a particular writer.
SEO Friendly
Search Engine Optimization is essential for any website so keeping this in mind we have created this SEO based module.
So Author Listed on this module can be made SEO friendly by using the inbuilt SEO functionality.
This module allows you to use the SEO functionality for search engines to pick up your content.
So we have provided basic SEO functionality in this module.
Admin can use the Meta Title, Meta Description, and Keywords to optimize the store and make it SEO friendly.
Supports Multi-Language and Multi-Store
Today it is obvious that an online store can go global at any time.
So having a multi-language feature on your store will provide you an opportunity to get more visibility of your store globally across the different nation speaking other languages
The multi-Store option supports using more than one store on your website so this module allows you to resonate all features of the module with your website that is functioning as a multi-store.
Summary of Features
1. To conclude here is a summary of all the features of this module.
2. Can add multiple authors on one product.
3. Support multi-language and multi-store.
4. Show author name to module and page.
5. Search authors by name, ISBN, edition, total pages, etc.
6. Fully control from the admin panel.
7. Slides options.
8. Seo friendly.
9. Free support.
Contact Support
If you find any problem or you want to know more about this module in detail. Please create a ticket, We will get back to you as soon as possible.

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