Onepage Checkout is an opencart checkout page extension built for making quick purchases on your website. it's a fully Dynamic Module that you have easy customize Our checkout.
1. Fast and Quick Checkout Process. 2. Fields Manager. (Easy to fields Manage from admin) 3. Login/ Signup with social media sites. 4. Set Sort order Through Drag and Drop functionally. 5. Auto trigger for payment methods 6. Theme Panel (Manage checkout theme color from admin) 7. Powerful And Easy Admin Panel. 8. Multi Language Supported 9. Fast And Smooth Loading 10. All Panels Pre-loaded. No Content Jumping 11. Multi Store Supported 12. Fast and Smooth checkout 13. Social Login (Facebook and google login) 14. Customize Order Success Page 15. Select Default Country & Customer Group & Postal code. 16. Manage Checkout Form Fields Validation and Sort Order. 17. Option to choose delivery/shipping address is the same for guests and logged customers. 18. Option to auto-checked newsletter subscribe 19. Option to add Seo keyword. 20. Option to select Countries in the checkout page. (i.e if you want to sell goods in particular countries. then you will manage from admin panel). 21. Option to Change Customer group input type. (i.e select box or radio button ) 22. Support All Payment Methods 23. Option to default set payment method During checkout load first time. 24. Support All Shipping Methods 25. Option to default set shipping method During checkout load first time. 26. Option to show invoice in Success Page. 27. Option to add invoice print button on success page. so the customer can print the order invoice. 28. Apply Coupon Code, Gift Vouchers, Reward point in the checked page. 29. Estimate Delivery Date. so a customer can select the shipping Delivery Date. 30. All Settings manage from the admin panel. so you can easily "ON" and "OFF" any setting from the admin panel. 31. Compatible With the Abandoned cart module. 32. Enable / Disable Payment and shipping methods from admin panel 33. Change Text of Payment and shipping methods from admin panel 34. Add Icon of Payment and shipping methods from admin panel 35. Fields Manager for Personal Details 36. Fields Manager for Payment Details 37. Fields Manager for Delivery Details 38. GDPR Compatible. 39. Sale Analytics. 40. Google and Basic Captcha. 41. Enable and Disable Account Terms. 42 Option to auto-checked Account Terms. 43 Enable and Disable Checkout Terms. 44. Option to auto-checked Checkout Terms. 45. Comment box Manage from the admin panel. (Enable and Disable, Require or Not and Language Text, etc.) 46. Show Bank Details On Order Success Page. while customer Choose Bank Transfer Payment Option. 47. Show Promote Products On Checkout Success Page 48. Google Analytic Code 49. One Click installation 50. No Core File Change
Supported OpenCart Versions
============================= All 2.0x,2.1x,2.2x,2.3.x and 3x versions
Latest Extension Versions
=========================== 4.0 version
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What customers say about Onepage Checkout / Quick Checkout
Than you extensionsbazaar for all your kind support. I highly recommand this company.
Extension Bazaar's support was always attentive, professional, courteous and responsive. My client is very pleased that everything is now running smoothly. Most importantly, the error log is now empty. I have placed Extensions Bazaar on my "A" list.
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