This extension will add you product notes in products page in admin. All this notes will be visible only in admin. But i add one more extension so if you want you can display this notes at front.
In admin you can add description ( in all languages that you have ) , you can add video link , images, embed video or image, image links , table ...
Look images and demo for more info. Demo here
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What customers said about other ours extensions and what they think about our support
What is this extension not work on my site?
- If this extension not work on your site, it has problems with yours other installed extensions, than we will help you to solve the problems.
- If we can't help you you have full right to refund this module
Do i get free update?
- We offer 12 mounts support for this module, fixing problems and update
- How often we make updates it depend from number of sales and customer requirements
How much time i need for installation?
- It is a ocmod file, with 2-3 click it is installed from extension installer( 2 min )
- We offer free installation
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