Admin Activity Monitor will help to monitor all the store admin activity done by the assigned users. With Admin Activity Monitor you can check which data has been modified by when, by whom and from where. All the activity that has been done by users is recorded in your admin section and as per your requirement you can export the same.
✯ Track Activity done in Coupons, Affiliate, Affiliate Transactions, Download, Manufacturer, Options, Attribute Group, Information, Category, Product, Review
✯ Export the activity list
✯ Filter by date, year, week, month, day
✯ Filter by Activity Type
✯ Monitor the device from which the activity performed
✯ New Improved Implementation
✯ Email alert on each activity
✯ Restriction on email alert by adding activity type
✯ Tracking IP address of users
✯ Hide Activity done by Admin
- We also help to add the activities to the places where you require them.
- We help to add the admin activity with multi-vendor system.
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