"Select City and Shipping by City based on weight and/or Volume" (compatible with OC 2.x OCmod) is an OpenCart extension / module that replace manual entering 'city name' in user registration form, address book, customers, Affiliates, Order, etc. with automatic selection city name from available dropdown list from database like as country and zone.
Is useful for shipping methods based city and when customer address, especially city, is essential to calculate shipping cost.
With "Select City and Shipping by City based on weight and/or Volume" , You can define up to three different ways to calculate shipping costs by city:
1) A fixed cost of shipping by city.
2) Cost based on the weight / volume of order (fixed rate per kilo/pound).
3) Cost based on the weight / volume of order (fee for first kilo/pound. and fee per kilo/pound additional).
Also, You can define the shipping insurance fee, and define the tax on shipping cost.
== Live Demo ==
Front End:
Username: AG@gmail.com.us
Password: 123456
Username: admin
Password: demo
== License ==
The commercial license is for a single domain only, but allows unlimited setups on the same domain or sub domain at no extra charge.
This is a OCmod module and it is made with the default template and in language english.
If you use a different template or use another language, you must make the corresponding changes in template files and language.
(Si desea puede contactarnos en español)
Looking for this extension for OC 1.5x? see:
1) https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketplace/extension/info&extension_id=12900&filter_search=city
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