Use postcode 110011(Delhi) to see Cash On Delivery payment Methods and free shipping methods
Use postcode 160019(Chandigarh) to see Online payment Methods and paid shipping methods
Use random postcode or one that does not exist in database(744301 - Nicobar) to check address add restriction, ( 305001 - Ajmer) to see no payment methods and shipping methods availability
Free Installation and compatibility for all themes and checkouts.
Works best with our own Best Rated Best Checkout Module
What customers say about Best Postcode - Pincode Manager
A must have extension especially for Indian Stores where you want to allow customers to search for Postcode and availabality. And also need to put a restriction on certain pincodes. The mass update feature is great, and looks great with Best Checkout extension.
~roots and herbs
Great extension, works like advertised, and the support is great too.
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