Standard "Featured" module has no features to assign unique headers for each blocks and him shows goods strictly in order
Featured Plus improves the standard "Featured" module

After installation, you can display the recommended products in random order, which is convenient when the number of selected products exceeds the specified limit for the output
As example:
you can select 20 products, set a display limit of 4 - and each time when page is loaded, in the "Featured" block will be shown 4 random goods of 20
Also adds the ability to assign separate multilanguageheaders for each block of recommended products right in its settings
DEMO 2x / ADMIN 2x
DEMO 3x / ADMIN 3x
DEMO 4x / ADMIN 4x
✔ Showing featured products in random order
if not selected - will be shown by default, in order of adding
✔ Separate multilanguage headers for each block of recommended products
if header is not filled for selected language - will be displayed standard header
✔ for 4x engines added a limit for products (not available by default)
Compatible with Opencart 2x - 4x
Does not change core files and DB
Install 2x
1. Upload file ocmod.xml for your version in Extensions > Extension Installer
2. Refresh the Modifications cache in Extensions > Modifications
3. Check new features in Extensions > Module > Featured
Install 3x
1. Upload archive in Extensions > Extension Installer
2. Update the Modifications cache in Extensions > Modifications
3. Refresh theme cache in Dashboard > Developer Settings
4. Check new features in Extensions > Module > Featured
Install 4x
1. Upload archive in Extensions > Extension Installer
2. In the same place, after the module appears in the list, click the Install button on it
3. Go to Extensions > Extensions > Modules and install "Featured Plus" module
4. Configure the module and save the settings
5. Check new features in Extensions > Module > Featured

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