DO you want all control in your hand like random color,custom label text,animation etc...
Switch to new Version of SaveBadge click Here
Catch Your customer
Default opencart does not have any badge,label or tag that show the discount you give on any product which does not look effective anymore,
we always need to catch the attention of customer so that they can engage with your website,for enhancing purpose this purpose we introduce a sale tag which have these features
1.Random color of badge
4.light Weight
5.Show save on product
DO you want all control in your hand like random color,custom label text,animation etc...
Switch to new Version of SaveBadge click Here
Demo :
live at
this is simple ocmod extension
Just use your extension installer provided by opencart ..
It is a simple ocmod extension.
Here are the steps...(only for opencart version 2.x.x)
1> Login to adminpanel
2> Open Extension Insataller page(admin/index.php?route=extension/installer&token=token)
3> Browse the file sale_tag.ocmod.xml
4> Click on upload
go to
and click on refresh button located on right top of page
for opencart version 3.x.x
Refer to
Click here
just check your front store you save tag ready to show your discounts
Check this
Save Badge Pro
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