This contribute Weight Base Discount as opencart plugin to extend the opencart avaibility to auto discount when cart weight reach the preset limit.
Flat rate or multiple ranges base discount
Discount base on weight and Geo Zone
Friendly text description to show at store front
Example :
Flat Rate Discount
Discount Rate : 5
total = subtotal - 5
Range Base Discount (%)
Discount Rate : 5:5%(weight:discount) , 10:10%(weight:discount)
If weight < 5 then 5% applied, If 5 < subtotal < 10 then 10% applied
total = subtotal - subtotal(5%)
Range Base Discount (fixed rate)
Discount Rate : 5:5(weight:discount) , 10:10(weight:discount)
If weight < 5 then -5 applied, If 5 < subtotal < 10 then -10 applied
total = subtotal - 5
Easy Install
1) Unzip and upload the contents to the root directory of your OpenCart installation
2) Logon to administrator page, goto 'Admin->Users->User Groups->Edit the Top Administrator'.Then find and check the total/weight_base_discount for both modify and access. Save.
3) Logon to administrator page, goto 'Extensions ->Order Totals -> Weight Base Discount'.
4) Install the module, and click edit to configure.
5) Adjust the Sort Order before the Total.Save.
Note : The calculation does not included tax deduction.
Demo Site:
username : demo , password : demo
Login and write down your comment.
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