Product from Categories with Multilanguage support
The module is intended to create your own "Product Walls" from category or categories and show such "walls" on any layout page of Opencart (Like default modules: Lates, Bestsellers, etc).
The module has such features:
You can create many walls as you need and shows them on different pages (default Opencart functionality)
Multilanguage support: for each wall you can set customs Header which will shows depending on language selected
"Show all" link for wall that will open category page. Link can be enable or disable
Also you show on the wall as product from chosen Categories as from their subcategories
Localizations: English, Russian (If you need another, just write us)
If you need technical support, found an error or have a question about module - please don't write about in comments, write directly to support email.
Operation of this module was tested with Opencart versions and works with 2.3.x version of Opencart. If you'll find any error or bug, please inform us about and we will fix it shortly.
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