Ability to set the time (cookie) to prevent pop-up from appearing every time the page loads (for example, you can set pop-up to be displayed every 24 hours.)
Possibility to determine the position of the pop-up on the page
Ability to set pop-up size
Possibility to enable / disable pop-up background (dark overlay)
Possibility to change the background color of the pop-up
Ability to specify delay for pop-up display
Ability to determine pop-up display after scrolling
Possibility to choose Animations for pop-up entrance and exit.
Possibility to auto-close pop-up after a specified time.
Possibility to use several pop-ups with different settings per page
Install Instructions
- Login to your OpenCart admin panel
- Go to Extensions > Extension installer and upload zip package suited for your OpenCart version (or upload the contents of upload folder manually via FTP)
- Go to Extensions -> Extensions -> Module -> popup -> Install -> Configure it
- Go to Design -> layout -> add it to any layout you want
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