A must have extension, not only replace of native Opencart file manager, but professional solution for manage product and site images, and where needed.
ElFinder is integrated with carefully selected options and plugins. Current version included: ElFinder 2.1.65. Updated regularly with last stable.
It functions out of the box, but all features are configurable: toolbar, uploads, thumbnails etc. Among unique features are:
Remember last visited folder.
Even more: When editing an image, it opens the folder in which it is located.
Integrated in all image selections
Integrated in image dialog in Summernote visual editor
Integrated in image dialog in CKEditor visual editor (See our related extension Visual Editor Professional)
Multi images upload (also in product form!)
Drag & drop in file manager window to upload images and files
Image edit - resize, rotate and crop images in file manager
NEW! Full featured image editor - Levels, Autolevels, Sharpen, Brightness, Contrast, Color filters and many more.
Auto resize to given max dimensions
Power watermark feature
Thumbnail size and background are configurable
Various media upload
File manager in main admin menu
Upload MIME types are configurable
Theme is selectable
File manager language respect current admin panel language
Possible trash (move to trash, restore from trash, empty trash) - controlled by option to turn on or off.
Possible mount site root (similar to cPanel File manager, but inside Opencart installation!)
Possible mount site FTP root!
All other features of file manager (upload, copy, move, delete, rename, preview, download, create archive, list or icon view etc.)
Remember last working directory
Powerful preview not only for images, but for PDF, doc and other files
Function to clear images cache
Function to clear elFinder thumbnail cache
Define access permissions by admin user groups (upload, delete, rename, edit etc.)
New integrity feature: When rename file in the File manager, system automatically rename in database! (Opencart 3 and above only)
New integrity feature: When delete file in the File manager, system checks in database, and if used, it is not deleted! (Opencart 3 and above only)
Above checks are performed also in Journal 3 tables, if they exist
New Customizable file and directory name sanitizer
New integrity feature: When move file in the File manager (drag & drop or cut & paste), system automatically rename in database! (Opencart 3 and above only)
New integrity feature: New command (in context file menu and in the toolbar) for information where the file (or selected files!) are used in the catalog (Opencart 3 and above only)
New volume: Possible mount site storage (similar to cPanel File manager, but inside Opencart installation!).
Easy installation with extension installer. No core files changed.
NEW: Compatible with Journal 2, Journal 3.1 and Journal 3.2 theme!
Our extensions are tested and function in many live shops. We upgrade them to every new Opencart version!
What customers say about File Manager Professional
After numerous attempts at assistance with many efforts (I am not a programmer or a developer and I have no knowledge of this kind) I solved the problem myself, the developer totally ignored me. I will not buy from this dishonest and unreliable seller anymore.
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