Fix breadcrumbs in product page, when you open product from featured or same module on main page.
I've tested on OC 2.2 only, 3.03 tested by commentators.
When you open product from catalog, you see correct breadcrumbs path with your categories. But if you open product page within featured or bestsellers module, there will be only home icon in breadcrumbs. I've found solution in web (see readme file included), and repacked into ocmod fix - this mean you can install or uninstall this extention and none of your files will be modified.
1. Download archive
2. Go to admin panel - extentions - extention installer, click "upload" and choose downloaded file from Step.1.
3.Go to Extentions-modifications and click "refresh" button.
Now, you should see correct breadcrumbs for products in frontend.
1.Go to admin panel - Extentions - modifications, check BreadFix then click "delete" icon in right top of the page.
2.Go to Extentions-modifications and click "refresh" button.
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