Get Discount Coupon on Customer Signup.
Giving discount coupon on customer signup is great marketing strategy tool to lure your customers. The extension completely manageable from the admin. See extension features below.
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Admin Login
User: demo
Password: demo
* Send discount coupon email after customer signup
* Choose customer groups to give discount coupon upon signup
* Choose if email goes to auto-approved or unapproved customers
* Auto-generate unique coupon code for each new customer
* Set minimum order total to redeem coupon
* Apply coupon on selected products/categories
* Set coupon validity
* Customizable discount coupon email from admin
* Multi-store configurations
* Multi-language supported
* Compatible with most of OpenCart themes
* Compatible with most of one page checkouts
* Simple and Easy to Use
* No Core File modification
* Use OCMOD XML for easy installation
* Use VQMOD XML for vqmod support
* No core file modification
* Extension use default OpenCart functionality to send discount coupon upon registration of new customer. This make almost all third party extension works with like OpenCart themes, any one page (Quick, Ajax) Checkout extension. Extension works as long as third party extensions use default customer registration functions.
Please Register With Your Valid E-mail To Get Discount Email
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