Sales report is very essential so you can understand not only what is happening in your business but how to plan for the future and do sales forecasting.
Using the data you know where and when and how to invest in your business to get more sales effectively.
Using this extension you can
Compare sales trend of same months of different years
Compare sales trend of all years
Understand sales trend of each year
Understand monthly sales trend
Get sales report of any custom range of dates
Get to know the total number of orders, total products sold, total value of products sold, total sales amount, total tax, total coupons or any discounts offered
Reports the best selling products of any particular date range, any year, any month
Reports products that brought you high income of any particular date range, any year, any month
Reports the least selling products of any particular date range, any year, any month
Reports products that brought you low income of any particular date range, any year, any month
I highly recommend this extension as it includes all detailed sales reports.
This is a very nice reporting extension that works flawlessly on Opencart - I have been looking for something that would work and was very happy to find this. Priyo has done an exceptional job on this and I will purchase it again for future sites.
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