Store credit, as the default OpenCart order total module, on its use will always be active if it has been enabled.
This extension provides additional settings that can make store credit disabled based on events.
So it's useful for example for store owners who don't want store credit active when customer uses coupon or reward points.
There are 4 events:
1. Product discounts: there are one or more products that apply discount prices in the cart.
2. Product specials: there are one or more products that apply special prices in the cart.
3. Coupon: customer uses coupon code.
4. Reward Points: customer uses reward points.
You can see sample case in the pictures above.
- For Opencart 4, use VQMOD
need VQMOD for Opencart 2.6.7 or newer INSTALLED
- No new page. Only add new features on existing page
- Also works for Advance Store Credit [link] order total (for buyers of this extension)
To find out how it works, you can go to the demo page.
1. Login with this account (that has store credit amount):
- e-mail: user1demo@aauwwo.com
- password: demodemo
2. Add to cart product that doesn't have a special price (eg: Iphone).
3. Go to shopping cart page, and see the total order. You should see the use of store credit there.
4. Now use coupon code: 2222
5. Check the total order again. Store credit should no longer exist.
At step 4, you can also try by adding a product 'Canon EOS 5D'. This product has a special price. The use of store credit will also no longer exist.
To find out how the setting, you can go to the admin demo page.
username: demo
password: aauwwo
1. Open Extensions > Order Totals
2. Edit: Store Credit
3. You can find four new fields there:
- 'Product Discounts'
- 'Product Specials'
- 'Coupon'
- 'Reward Points'
--- as a demo user, you can only view it (you can't modify) ---
+ $4 you will get
Store Credit Limitation extension. Buy at the following

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