Popup/Dropdown Login (Default/Journal2)

Popup/Dropdown Login (Default/Journal2)
Hello friends,

My extensions make this:
For default themes, replaces My Account with dropdown login panel. For journal2 themes, replaces My Account to my dropdown/popup login panel and with forgotten password and Register button to make it better view and usefull.
Latest version for journal2 themes also have a facebook login.

I only tested them with OC3.0.2.0/OC2.3.0.2 Default Themes and OC3.0.2.0/OC2.3.0.2 Journal2 themes.

Made it with ocmod so it doesn't change your original files. You can remove/disable it simple from Modifications by using disable or remove button. Only some of journal2 theme versions replaces your files.

It uses original language files so will work with all languages. You don't need to change text lines for it.
After logged in, it redirects to account page like default.

- Added new design files with FACEBOOK LOGIN for Journal2 on OC3.0.2.0
* The popup login now has Facebook Login button.
* I've edited the existing login page (index.php?route=account/login). The entry fields have changed effectively and I've added a Facebook Login here.
- You have to backup your 5 files before installing my extension.
mega.twig center.twig compact.twig default.twig in catalog/view/theme/journal2/template/journal2/headers/
and login.twig in catalog/view/theme/journal2/template/account/
- All you have to do is create a facebook login application in developers.facebook.com/apps and enter the ID into the modification file to here else the facebook login button will not appear:

For this version, new screenshots here
Facebook Login button on Popup Login Panel:

Facebook Login by customer's personal infos:

Facebook authorization page after logged in to fb:

Modified default login page on journal2 and added facebook login button:

- Added new design files for Journal Theme (Tested on oc3.0.2.0 Journal 2)
* The dropdown login for oc3.0.2.0 with journal2 theme new version specs:
- With this version it's not a dropdown menu, new design is open modal menu.
- Your store logo will be shown in top of Login panel if it's name is still opencart-logo.png in image/catalog/ folder. If you changed your store logo name and dir You have to set current logo name and source for it.
To do it: After installing my extension, First find your header type for journal theme which you currently use with your theme. For example it's mega. Then open catalog/view/theme/journal2/template/journal2/headers/mega.twig and find this line

and change the src to correct one for your store. I don't advice to change width and height because I modified it for modal box size. So, only image source address is enough.
- The link name before logged in changed to default Login text in language folder (ex Login or Giriş or Anmelden etc).
- The link name after logged in changed to customer name and surname (ex John Doe).
- The customer links style are now working with your journal theme style. Just added one styled hr between list. You can see in pictures.
- Now you can select your saved email address in your browsers to email and password input fields.

- Added files for Journal Theme (Tested on oc2.3.0.2 with Journal 2x and oc3.0.2.0 Journal 2x)
- Added additional images for journal theme view.
Mobile Friendly design. It's all free to use.

Before installating my extensions please read Documentation in download page . I wrote all instructions for each versions to there.
I don't get any error from page/s or web console but;
If you have problem after install it like errors, disable and remove it from modifications but if it still shows error then try to remove files under system/storage/modifications/

If you download and like it please RATE your download and COMMENT your view below.
Enjoy it ;)

What customers say about Popup/Dropdown Login (Default/Journal2)

It is a very-very useful and great extension for free, many thanks to Latte!
Amazing little addon does what it is supposed to and works flawlessly with journal2 theme! Support was 2nd to none, never had such quick and amazing responses from any other seller on Market Place! If you are looking for a perfect drop down login addon then look no further, and on top of that it's 100% free.. Warm Regards

  • Developed by OpenCart Community
  • Documentation Included



Last Update
27 Dec 2018

4 Nov 2018
Member since: 8 Feb 2018

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