Seo Friendly Urls

What it does
Seo Friendly Urls is easy to use module for changing the url routes of the url links that do not have that option in the admin panel, for example: account/account, account/login, checkout/cart, checkout/checkout, information/contact and more. Products, categories, manufacturers and information pages have the option to setup seo links. In that case you should use built in SEO option.
Seo Friendly Urls will help you to better optimize the urls of your opencart store.
PRO VERSION allows you to set multilingual SEO urls introduced in opencart 3 for your routes and you get additional extended support.
For example you can change this:
Useful SEO routes
1. account/account
2. account/address
3. account/download
4. account/edit
5. account/facebooklogin/userdetails
6. account/forgotten
7. account/login
8. account/logout
9. account/newsletter
10. account/order
11. account/password
12. account/register
13. account/return/insert
14. account/transaction
15. account/voucher
16. account/wishlist
17. affiliate/account
18. checkout/cart
19. checkout/checkout
20. information/contact
21. information/sitemap
22. product/compare
23. product/manufacturer
24. product/search
25. product/special
26. account/return/add
27. affiliate/login
28. quickcheckout/checkout
Easy installation via ocmod.
ADMIN demo (guest/guest)
Front End - login page
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Check the
Documentation tab after clicking on
DOWNLOAD button !!!
Tags:seo, seo friendly url, url, optimalization, seo optimalization, checkout optimalization, checkout seo, cart seo, cart optimalization, route links, route seo, keywords, keyword seo, route, account seo, links seo, links
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