##### V2 #####
Version number 2 is now released. and the extension has been almost rewritten.
The extension can now handle selection of specific scripts to be included or excluded.
this provides much more flexibility to the enduser. and should eliminate errors caused by other extensions that are not compatible with external CDN or outdated/customized scripts.
The extension fetches a list from github to recognize wich scripts are available on the CDN.
this list wil be updated by time.
##### V2 #####
This extension enables a number of optimization options to opencart.
1. Serve base javascript and stylesheet files from the powerful jsdelivr.com CDN network
2. Combine up to 7 base javascripts into one file request
3. Combine up to 4 base stylesheets into one file request
4.Put all javascript inline and file requests in the end of the page to deliver faster responses.
5. option to disable google fonts for performance optimization
6. option to disable the addthis integration for performance optimization
7.Asynchronizes and parrallel fetching files instead of sequential and slow
8. Option for integration with the cloudinary image CDN PRO module found
This enables you to serve all static files from a CDN with the combined power og Akamai, Cloudinary and JSdelivr.
And with the power of the two modules combined you could potentially unlock a perfect score from
GTmatrix.com performance analyzer service.
Demo link :
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