Online Shopping brings great fun to the customers if the right product comes to them at the right time on their convenience. What if the product is delivered to them a bit early or late. The probable chances are that the customer is not available to receive their ordered item. In such a case, the customer will either cancel their order or they will get receive late delivery of that product which leads to the unsatisfactory user shopping experience. As a perfect solution to this, Knowband offers OpenCart Preferred Delivery which gives an option to the customers to choose a preferred date and time for their order delivery. The selection of desired date and time slot can be done right during the item checkout just before the final payment and order confirmation process. This preferred delivery slot information can be changed by the customer anytime from their account section. Therefore this extension is also called a Planned Product Delivery module.
Features of OpenCart Preferred Delivery
Offer Flexible Order Delivery: Allow customers to choose the most suitable delivery date and time for receiving their order.
Plan Multiple Delivery Slots: Create as many delivery slots for varying date and time interval. An option to set the start and end delivery time is also provided at the backend.
Restrict Delivery for Particular Days: Exclude the days when order delivery is impossible at e-merchant end.
Builds User Shopping Experience: Receiving the product at a specific point of time improves the user shopping experience which ultimately benefits store sales and revenues.
Exclude Order Processing Time from Delivery Time: Easily offer product delivery time slots after the order processing days.
Show Desired Preferred Delivery Text: Display a successful message for delivery slot confirmation on the front or error message in case if post order delivery update is not allowed.
Post Order Delivery Update: Let customers change the preferred delivery schedule once after order confirmation. Option to update is unavailable in case the duration exceeds the minimum days.
Code-Free Configurations: No coding skills or technical knowledge is required to install and configure the module settings.
Supports multiple stores & languages: Perfectly compatible with multiple stores and languages making it user-friendly.
Mobile Responsive Interface: The preferred time block is responsive over mobile and tablet devices.
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