hi guys,
i just write a memcached cache extension for opencart2.3.
in this extension, you can set password and database for your redis server.
anything you need , please contact me: gymiles@foxmail.com.
install instructions:
1.upload memcached.php to opencart/system/library/cache
2.edit opencart/system/config/default.php
$_['cache_engine'] = 'memcached'; // apc, file, mem or memcached
3.edit /config.php, add like this, just use your setting:
define('CACHE_HOSTNAME', '');
define('CACHE_PORT', '11211');
define('CACHE_PREFIX', 'cccoc_');// use your prefix
4.use admin cache, edit /admin/config.php, add:
define('CACHE_HOSTNAME', '');
define('CACHE_PORT', '11211');
define('CACHE_PREFIX', 'cccoc_');// use your prefix
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