TMD OpenCart Product Auction Module
Product auction is very easy with this OpenCart module. Admin can set the start and end date, bid limit, the maximum quantity of product, bid amount, and more. There is also a color theme and extra field for CSS that can use to make the auction more interactive.
It has an email template that will send automatically when the winner is selected. There are more settings present in the module which helps admin to make a better auction. Customers can bid and the winner selected automatically.

Create OpenCart Product Auction From Admin
It enables bidding auction feature on product bidding price on any products with the incremental auction.
So this module provides one of the advanced features for all store owners to draw attention towards customers and sell any product on auction.
To make the auction product, Go to Admin → Auction → Setting. Here you will see a lot of settings.
Select the background image, set customer bid limit, order date limit, count down, and other options. Admin must do the setting accordingly.
Now go to the Module → Auction sub-menu. Here admin can add the product to the auction.
Select the product, set the start and end date, starting bid price, max bid price.
Set when the auction will finish either the end date reached or max price set by admin matched by customer bid. Set other options, these will show on the product auction page.
Now go to Module → Setting. Select the "Email" tab. There is a pre-defined email template that will use to send to the winner. Admin can make changes to the email template. Also, take the help of shortcodes.
To see the winner list go to Auction Module → Winner.
All the winner list will be shown. The module has more options which will make admin work easy to start auction within 2 min.
Check Winner List of Auction.
OpenCart auction module sends an email to the winner automatically. It takes an email template from the module. makes a list of winners of product auction on which they bid. Admin, they can see a list of winners.
The product name, customer name, email, date, and price will be listed. After that customers can buy the product at bid price within days defined in the setting.
It is useful to track the performance of auctions and helps admin to make a new product auction. Also, the admin can contact the winner customer on their email.
Make Interactive Auction By Doing Color Setting And CSS
It has the option to do change the color of every element shows in the product the auction. Go to the Color tab. There is a list of elements with their color code respectively. Admin can change the color of individual elements.
Changed colors will apply instantly on the front end where the auction is ongoing. Admin can change the color to the best possible match with the existing theme of the website.
To give more control over the auction theme, the extension consists of a CSS tab.
Where admin can write your own CSS classes and id. Admin can overwrite the existing CSS of the module by writing here. The programmer does not need to open the theme CSS file and write CSS code.
Website files will be untouched. CSS and Color can be changed from the module itself. This is coming very handy when the website theme is changed or new changes happened.
Features of OpenCart Auction Extension.
The auction module is beneficial for all OpenCart store owners for those who want to make event-based sales. By event base sales we mean clearance of stock on a particular event or providing clearance for nonmoving items on the store.
Here are the features listed OpenCart product auction extension.
✔ Select product to action.
✔ Background banner.
✔ Bid limit per customer.
✔ Start Date.
✔ End Date.
✔ Bid type.
✔ Bidder name.
✔ Bid Amount.
✔ Minimum and maximum product quantity.
✔ Total bid.
✔ Latest bid first.
✔ Winner List.
Other features that make this extension even more awesome.
✔ Multi-Languages.
✔ Change the color theme.
✔ Write your own CSS.
✔ Winner email template.
✔ Send automatically email to the winner.
Multi-Language Compatible
{b]TMD cares about their customers and clients.[/b] That's why we create all modules and themes multi-language compatible. Your website uses non-English language.
If your website supports multi-language than Product auction OpenCart will let you enter all the text uses into the module in multi-language. When customer change language on the front end, the module also show selected language text entered by the admin. It works seamlessly with multi-languages.
Supports OpenCart 1.5.x, 2.x and 3.x Versions
TMD used OCMOD and VQMOD to create OpenCart price per customer group module.
It works perfectly on 2.0.x and 3.0.x versions of OpenCart. It is also tested up to the latest stable version
For those who still using an older version of OpenCart, TMD maintains a 1.5.x version of this extension. Just because of their comfort. We value all website and their businesses.
It is tested on the cloud version to give the best performance. Testing has been done using the Unit test to give quality to work.
There will no core file will alter after installation of the OpenCart auction extension on your website. It uses OCMOD It virtually creates a file system and adds compatibility to files on runtime.
Your website files will remain the same and untouched after the installation of TMD OpenCart modules. Website will remain to function as before it does. It is easy to use right? Yeah!
Got pre-sale questions or have questions about support. Please create a ticket. We will help you to get it working.

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