VueFront - Vue powered CMS agnostic SPA & PWA frontend framework for your old fashioned Blog and Ecommerce site. Think of it as a Super theme for your OpenCart Store.
This OpenCart extension is a CMS Connect App. It adds the connection between the OpenCart CMS and VueFront WebApp via a GraphQL API.
What is it for?
Modern websites are becoming more App-like. This means the pages do not refresh when navigating, they support offline, mobile ready and allow users to save them as an Icon to the home screen.
SPA - single page applications are built for the future. The frontend is now separated from the backend, so the HTML and styles are loaded only once and the data is uploaded on request in a form of a json feed. This makes them extremely fast and improves user experience.
PWA - progressive web apps is a way of tunning the SPA to look and feel like a mobile app. Your app gets to work off-line with service workers that pre-cache data, prefetch data when people are browsing so that when a link is clicking, the data is already there waiting. PWAs also prompt the user to save the app as an Icon to the home screen and make push notifications like a real module app.
VueFront is ready out of the box solution for your current OpenCart Store. You can install the CMS Connect APP and lunch your first Web App in just 5 minutes. It's that simple.
How to install VueFront Web App
1. Download the extension zip file according to your OpenCart Version
2. Via Extension installer upload the zip file or via FTP upload the files from the zip folder "upload" into your OpenCart root folder.
3. Go to OpenCart admin panel -> Extensions -> Modules and install VueFront.
4. Go to VueFront settings to get the CMS Connect URL
5. Continue with
setting up VueFront WebApp.
OpenCart Blog
Since OpenCart does not have a built-in Blog, we use the Free
Blog Module by Dreamvention for version 2.x-3.x
Blog / News V4.5 for OpenCart version 1.5.x
If you face any issues, please contact us directly here via our
ticket system
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