SMS OTP Verification

SMS OTP Verification
What is TMD OpenCart SMS OTP Verification Module?

It is the SMS verification and OTP module is an OpenCart extension which allows admin to add an SMS verification or OTP login for customer on their store. The website can send SMS on various events in your OpenCart store Like Register Account, Login, New Order, or changing of order status.

This Module is capable of sending an OTP verification code on mobile while account registration or guest user registration both to verify the mobile number. For many popular websites like Flipkart, customers can also login with OTP.

Verify Orders Using OTP SMS Verification

One of the important features of the extension is to verify the order. When orders are placed by COD or Bank Transfer then it is most important to check if the customer is really interested to buy an item or not. That's where you can use the mobile verification authenticity of the customer to check if they are real and interested.

This way, Admin can save time and helps to ship the product right customers. OpenCart SMS OTP verification extension also helps you to get verified customers whom you can contact later to get a review about your product. And can publish their review on the website to create trust around your brand.

Customers Can Login With OTP

Opencart OTP SMS extension lets your customer login using the OTP code. Whenever a customer tries to login, they will get the option to login either by password or OTP.

After the selection of OTP. They will get One Time Password (OTP) on their registered mobile number. This OTP will be used to login to the account. It will make the login process easy when they forgot the password or the password is not working. One of the best Login with OTP opencart module ready to use.

This is plug and play. which means you need to install and do configuration.

Work With All SMS Service Providers

OpenCart SMS OTP verification extension is created on top of OpenCart functionality. It lets you use any SMS service providers. Yeah! you do not have to look here and there while selecting an SMS service provider for your website. It uses SMS api service which can be connected with all SMS service providers.

Opencart OTP SMS Extension will send api request to the SMS service provider when SMS is requested by the website. SMS will be reached to register mobile in a few seconds to min depends on the service provider and customer mobile network. It sends api requests from the website to the SMS service provider in a few microseconds. Which makes it more reliable and fast in OpenCart market.

Configure OpenCart Sms OTP From Admin

The module's admin panel is simple yet powerful. Contains most of the setting in one place to configure easily. You can enter the configuration information of Sms service provider to get it working. The website can get verified registered customers by enabled verification SMS option in the admin setting. Else you must disable it to stop sending SMS on the register page.

Admin can also configure events when an SMS will be sent to the customer. A list of Events are present, Admin or user can configure setting to work as expected. The website will deliver SMS to a customer when events occur.

Here is the complete Feature list
✔ Enable or Disable SMS verification at the register.
✔ Compatible For Any SMS API.
✔ Multilanguage Compatible.
✔ Powerful Admin Setting Make It easy.
✔ Login With OTP.
✔ SMS On Order Status.
✔ SMS verification On Register.
✔ Avoid Fake Registration.

Multi-Language Compatible

Your website shows in more than 1 language. This module will match your website language to give your customer a more comfortable feel. It had a language selection area. Where you enter message language-specific.

This extension will show those languages which are enabled on your website. There is no limit on SMS characters. but can be limited by the SMS service provider. Please check with them once.

Compatible With OpenCart Versions 2.x and 3.x

Opencart OTP SMS module is compatible with OpenCart 2x and 3.x version. Website running using these versions can use an SMS OTP verification extension. Installation is easy. Just upload the zip file to Installer and you are done. Installation does not require extra effort. OpenCartt SMS extension fully tested in these versions.

If you are looking for a 1.5.x version, Then please create a ticket. You will get help on how to make this it work on a lower version.


Any questions and suggestions are most welcome. If you have any kind of question or looking for support. Please create a ticket.

What customers say about SMS OTP Verification

TMD has awesome support
their support are the best so fast and big helpers
Amazing Support Team and equally good extension!! I had some issues and they fixed!! Also works well with Journal 3 theme


  • Developed by OpenCart Partner
  • 6 Months Free Support
  • Documentation Included


Compatibility,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4.x.x.x,,,,,,,,,,

Last Update
19 Feb 2025

18 Jun 2019
143 Sales
Member since: 15 Jan 2013

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