VQMod Upload Multiple Images with Drag&Drop or Select
For Opencart 2.0xclick here
This module makes uploading images directly from computer using Browse or Drag & Drop possible!
Are you tired to upload images and then select them to your products?
This extension is all you need to forget about wasting your time to setup images into your products !
This extension will add additional button in your "Image" tab (Products) and give you the functionality to choose multiple image files from your computer.
If you are using FireFox or Chrome even better! Just Select the images and DRAG them to the browser!
DEMO Multi Image Uploader Demo
user: demo
pass: demo
Go to: "Catalog > Products > edit existing or Insert New > (tab) Image > (button) Add from Computer or Drag&Drop".
NOTE: We are not able to provide any support anymore.
Tested in IE7,8; Firefox 3,3.6,4; Safari 4,5; Chrome; Opera10.60
Readme.txt included (this file).
Doesn't use Flash
No external dependencies
Option to choose which of the additional images will be treated as default image.
Rewrite the original add image functionality and add option to select "default" image
Fixed bug with alert "Increase max_upload_size"
This extension requires VQMod Installed!
Do you have VQMod Installed?
If not, don't worry, just follow the installation instructions in the readme.txt. OTHER MODULES YOU MAY NEED !!!
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